
In today's fast-paced world, mastering the art of effective communication in English is more important than ever. Whether you are aiming for personal growth or professional success, having strong English-speaking skills can open doors and create countless opportunities. Luckily, you don't need to spend a fortune on expensive courses to improve your fluency. There are numerous free online resources available that can help you sharpen your spoken English abilities.

Top 15 Free Online Courses For English Speaking


Online courses have revolutionized the way we learn, providing a convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional classroom settings. With just a laptop or smartphone and an internet connection, you can access a wealth of knowledge right at your fingertips. One such platform is Clapingo (, an online learning platform that offers personalized English coaching. While it is not a free course, Clapingo's services include 1:1 coaching with native lang    uage speakers and a flexible plan that can give one an edge when it comes to spoken English training.



Clapingo's Premium 1:1 Coaching

Free Spoken English Programs

1:1 Personalized Coaching

✔️ Highly personalized sessions tailored to individual learning needs.

❌ Typically offer group-based or generic content.

Supervised Practice Sessions

✔️ Practice sessions are closely supervised, allowing for immediate feedback.

❌ Limited or no supervised practice sessions in free programs.

Native Language Support

✔️ Teachers fluent in the learner's native language, facilitating better understanding.

❌ May not provide native language support.

Flexible Session Timings

✔️ Sessions can be scheduled at convenient times, accommodating busy schedules.

❌ Limited flexibility; fixed schedules in many free programs.

Customized Learning Plans

✔️ Tailored curriculum to address specific strengths and weaknesses.

❌ Often offer one-size-fits-all materials.

Progress Tracking

✔️ Regular progress assessments and feedback for continuous improvement.

❌ Limited or no formal progress tracking.

Interactive Learning

✔️ Interactive, engaging sessions that promote active participation.

❌ May rely more on passive listening or reading exercises.

Access to Premium Resources

✔️ Often includes access to premium learning materials and resources.

❌ May offer limited access to quality learning materials.

Higher Motivation

✔️ Personalized attention and progress tracking can boost motivation.

❌ Motivation may vary due to lack of personalization.

Investing time in improving your English speaking skills has multiple advantages. Not only does it boost your confidence in social interactions, but it also enhances your chances of securing better job opportunities in today's global economy. Whether you want to engage in fluent conversations with friends and colleagues or ace interviews and presentations, fluency in spoken English is essential.


Now let's explore the top 15 free online courses that can help you unlock your potential and become a fluent speaker of the English language.

1. Duolingo - English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 


Duolingo is an excellent platform to learn English online, and the best part is, it's entirely free! With its gamified approach and interactive exercises, Duolingo makes learning English fun and engaging. Here are the key points to know about Duolingo's English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course:

Photo by: Hümâ H. Yardım on Unsplash


1. Gamified Learning: 

Duolingo uses a game-like interface that keeps learners motivated and entertained while improving their English skills. It feels like you're playing a game rather than studying


2. Comprehensive Skill Development:

The interactive exercises on Duolingo focus on useful vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking skills. You can practice your English pronunciation by speaking into the microphone.


3. Progress Tracking: 

Duolingo allows you to track your progress as you learn. You earn points, level up, and unlock new levels by completing lessons successfully.


Duolingo is an ideal choice for beginners or those looking to brush up on their basic English skills. Whether you want to learn perfect sentence formation in English or enhance your vocabulary, Duolingo has got you covered.


To start your free English-speaking course online with Duolingo, visit their website at

2. Coursera - Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialization 

If you're serious about improving your English communication skills, then Coursera's "Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialization" is a fantastic option to consider. This comprehensive online course is designed to help English learners enhance their overall communication abilities in English. Let's take a closer look at what this specialization has to offer:

  • Pronunciation and Intonation: One of the key focuses of this course is perfecting your English pronunciation and intonation. You'll learn how to produce clear, accurate sounds and use stress and intonation effectively in spoken English lessons.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: Building a strong vocabulary is crucial for effective communication. Through engaging video lectures and interactive exercises, this specialization will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your word choice.

  • Effective Verbal Communication Strategies: Communication involves more than just grammar and vocabulary. This course will teach you practical strategies for expressing yourself clearly, persuasively, and confidently in various situations.

  • Video Lectures, Quizzes, and Assignments: As part of the learning experience, Coursera provides video lectures led by expert instructors. Interactive quizzes help reinforce your understanding of the material, while assignments allow you to apply what you've learned.

By enrolling in this specialization, you'll have access to a wealth of resources that can significantly enhance your English speaking abilities. Whether it's perfecting your pronunciation or expanding your vocabulary, Coursera has got you covered.

To enroll in the "Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialization," visit Coursera's website at

Remember, taking advantage of free online resources like this specialization can be an excellent way to enhance your skills without breaking the bank. So don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your English communication skills today!

3. Alison - English Language Course 

Alison, a well-known online learning platform, offers a free English language course that can help you improve your speaking skills. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this course has something for everyone. Let's take a closer look at the key features of Alison's English Language Course:

1. Comprehensive Grammar Instruction: 

The course covers essential grammar rules and provides detailed explanations to help you build a strong foundation in English grammar.

2. Vocabulary Building Exercises: 

Expand your vocabulary with interactive exercises that focus on common English words and phrasal verbs used in everyday interactions.

3. Reading Comprehension Practice: 

Improve your reading skills through various texts and comprehension questions that will enhance your understanding of written English.

4. Conversation Skills Development: 

Engage in conversation practice activities to boost your confidence and fluency in speaking English.

5. Certificates of Comp​letion: 

Earn certificates upon completion of each module or the full course, showcasing your dedication and progress in improving your English speaking abilities.

Alison's English Language Course is designed to be accessible to learners from all backgrounds and skill levels. With its user-friendly interface and well-structured lessons, it provides a seamless learning experience.

To enroll in Alison's free English Language Course, simply visit their website at and search for "English Language Course." Sign up for an account, select the course, and start your journey towards becoming a more confident English speaker.

Remember, taking advantage of free online resources like Alison's English Language Course is an excellent way to enhance your skills without breaking the bank. So why wait? Start learning today!

4. USA Learns 

USA Learns is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their English speaking skills. With its self-paced learning program, interactive lessons, and practice exercises, USA Learns offers a comprehensive approach to language development. Here are the key benefits of using the USA Learns:

1. Interactive Lessons: 

The platform provides engaging lessons that focus on building listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The interactive nature of the lessons keeps learners motivated and actively engaged in their language-learning journey.

2. Pronunciation Feedback: 

USA Learns offers instant feedback on English pronunciation through its speech recognition feature. Learners can practice their pronunciation and receive real-time feedback to help them improve their speaking skills.

3. Virtual Conversations: 

One unique aspect of USA Learns is its virtual conversation feature. Students can participate in virtual conversations with other learners, allowing them to practice their speaking skills in a supportive and interactive environment.

4. Progress Tracking: 

Users can easily track their progress through the course materials and see how far they have come in their language learning journey.

To access this free English-speaking course online, visit the USA Learns website at

5. ESLPod 

ESLPod is an excellent resource for English language learners looking to improve their listening and pronunciation skills. With a vast library of daily English podcasts, ESLPod covers various topics and language learning levels. Let's take a closer look at the key points:

1. Wide range of podcasts: 

ESLPod offers a diverse collection of podcasts that cater to different interests and proficiency levels. Whether you're interested in business, travel, or everyday conversations, there's something for everyone.

2. Transcripts and vocabulary explanations: 

Each podcast comes with a transcript, allowing learners to follow along easily. Additionally, vocabulary explanations are provided to help learners understand new English words and phrases.

3. Comprehension questions: 

After listening to the podcast, learners can test their understanding with comprehension questions. This helps reinforce the content covered in the podcast and ensures comprehension.

4. Practice listening and pronunciation:

ESLPod is an excellent platform for practicing listening skills, as learners have the opportunity to listen to native speakers in natural conversations. By imitating the pronunciation of the speakers in the podcasts, learners can enhance their own speaking skills.

Photo by: Chris Benson on Unsplash

Overall, ESLPod is a valuable resource for English language learners seeking to improve their listening and pronunciation abilities. The combination of engaging podcasts, transcripts, vocabulary explanations, and comprehension questions makes it an effective tool for language development.

To access ESLPod's extensive library of podcasts, visit their website at

6. OpenLearn - Everyday English 

OpenLearn, one of the leading platforms for free online course, offers a fantastic resource for non-native English speakers called "Everyday English." This course is specifically designed to help learners improve their English speaking skills in practical everyday situations.

Here are the key features of OpenLearn's Everyday English course:

1. Practical Language Skills:

The course focuses on essential vocabulary and grammar concepts needed in everyday situations such as shopping, traveling, and socializing.

2. Interactive Activities: 

Learners can engage in interactive activities and vocabulary quizzes to reinforce their understanding of vocabulary and grammar.

3. Personalized Learning: 

OpenLearn's course materials are designed to cater to the needs of non-native English speakers, providing a personalized learning experience.

To access the Everyday English course materials provided by OpenLearn, visit their website. By utilizing this free resource, you can enhance your English speaking skills and feel more confident in various real-life scenarios. Don't miss out on this excellent opportunity to improve your spoken English for free!

7. FluentU 

FluentU is an exceptional online platform that offers a unique and immersive language learning experience. With its vast library of authentic videos, FluentU provides an excellent opportunity to improve your English speaking skills. And the good part? You can try it out for free with a 14-day trial!

Here are some key features of FluentU:

1. Authentic Videos: 

FluentU offers a wide variety of real-life videos, including watching English movies, TV shows, music videos, news clips, and more. By learning from these videos, you can enhance your understanding of English in different contexts.

2. Interactive Captions:

With interactive captions, you can easily follow along with the video while also having access to translations and definitions for any word or phrasal verbs. This helps you expand your vocabulary and improve comprehension.

3. Flashcards and Quizzes: 

FluentU incorporates interactive flashcards and quizzes based on the video content to reinforce your learning. These tools help you practice new English words and phrasal verbs while testing your understanding of the material.

4. Personalized Progress Tracking: 

FluentU tracks your progress throughout the course, allowing you to see how far you've come. This feature helps you stay motivated and engaged as you witness your improvement over time.

With its user-friendly interface and engaging content, FluentU provides an effective way to develop your English speaking skills naturally and effortlessly.

To give it a try, visit their website at and sign up for a 14-day free trial. Take advantage of this opportunity to immerse yourself in real-life English conversations and take your speaking skills to new heights!

Remember that while FluentU offers a fantastic resource for improving spoken English, Clapingo is always there to provide personalized coaching tailored specifically to Indian learners' needs. Check out Clapingo's services at for more information on how they can assist you in your English-speaking journey.

8. TalkEnglish 

TalkEnglish is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their English speaking skills. With a range of free English lessons available, TalkEnglish offers learners the opportunity to practice and enhance their listening and speaking abilities. Here are some key features of TalkEnglish:

1. Categorized Lessons: 

TalkEnglish provides a wide range of free English lessons that are categorized by level and topic. This makes it easy for learners to find lessons that suit their specific needs and interests.

2. Audio Recordings and Transcripts: 

Each lesson on TalkEnglish includes audio recordings and transcripts, allowing learners to practice their listening skills while also improving their understanding of spoken English.

3. Exercises for Practice: 

Along with the audio recordings and transcripts, TalkEnglish offers exercises for learners to practice what they have learned. These exercises focus on both listening and speaking skills, helping learners build their confidence in using English.

4. Conversation Practice: 

One unique feature of TalkEnglish is the ability to access conversation practice with virtual partners through the website's chat feature. This allows learners to engage in real-life conversations and further develop their speaking skills.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive lessons, TalkEnglish is an excellent choice for individuals looking to improve their English speaking abilities online. So why wait? Start your free English-speaking course today!

9. Oxford Online English: Speak English with Confidence course 

Are you ready to boost your English speaking skills and gain confidence in conversations? Look no further than the Oxford Online English: Speak English fluently with Confidence course. This free online course is designed to help learners of all levels improve their spoken English abilities through dynamic video sessions, engaging quizzes, and downloadable materials.

Here are the key features of the Oxford Online English: Speak English Fluently with Confidence course:

1. Essential Conversation Skills: 

Learn effective techniques for starting and maintaining conversations in various situations.

2. Pronunciation Techniques: 

Master correct pronunciation and intonation to enhance clarity and understanding.

3. Common Mistakes to Avoid: 

Identify and overcome common language errors made by non-native speakers.

4. Video Lessons: 

Access a library of video lessons taught by experienced teachers who provide clear explanations and practical examples.

5. Quizzes:

Test your understanding after each lesson with interactive quizzes that reinforce key concepts.

6. Downloadable Materials:

Supplement your learning with downloadable resources, including transcripts, vocabulary lists, and exercises.

Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to improve your spoken English skills for personal and professional growth. Enroll in the Oxford Online English: Speak English Fluently with Confidence course today!

Photo by: Trent Erwin on Unsplash

Remember, practice makes perfect! Don't miss out on this valuable resource that will help you communicate confidently in English.

10. Great Learning: Free Spoken English Course 

Are you looking for a free English-speaking course that covers all aspects of spoken English? Look no further! Great Learning offers a comprehensive spoken English course that will boost your grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. Here are the key aspects of this fantastic course:

1. Grammar Enrichment: 

Learn perfect sentence formation in English online with interactive exercises and quizzes.

2. Vocabulary Enhancement: 

Expand your vocabulary through engaging activities and practice using new English words in everyday conversations.

3. Fluency Development:

Improve your speaking skills through audio lessons and role-playing activities, gaining confidence in expressing yourself fluently.

4. Personalized Feedback: 

Receive valuable feedback from instructors through discussion forums or live sessions, helping you identify areas for improvement.

5. Convenient Access: 

Study at your own pace from anywhere with an internet connection, fitting it into your busy schedule.

With Great Learning's free spoken English course, you can develop essential language skills needed for personal growth and professional success. Start your journey today by visiting [insert URL]. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your English-speaking abilities for free!

11. Busuu 

Busuu is a fantastic online platform that offers interactive language courses designed by language experts and native speakers. It focuses on providing learners with a comprehensive approach to improving their English speaking skills. Whether you want to enhance your reading, writing, listening, or speaking abilities, Busuu has got you covered.

One of the key features of Busuu is its interactive approach to learning. The platform provides a variety of exercises and activities that engage users in real-life conversations, allowing them to practice their English speaking skills in a practical way. Additionally, Busuu offers personalized feedback from native speakers through its community feature.

This allows learners to receive guidance and support from experts in the language.

Another benefit of Busuu is its emphasis on all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. By engaging in various activities that focus on these areas, learners can develop a well-rounded understanding of the English language.

To access Busuu's English courses and start improving your speaking skills today, visit their website at Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn perfect sentence formation in English online for free!

12. LearnVern 

LearnVern is a fantastic online platform offering a structured spoken English course that is taught by industry professionals through engaging video lectures. It covers all the essential aspects of English speaking, including grammar rules, vocabulary-building exercises, and conversation practice.

The course on LearnVern starts with the basics and gradually progresses to more advanced topics. The instructors use real-life examples and practical scenarios to ensure learners develop a strong foundation in English speaking skills.

One of the highlights of LearnVern is the inclusion of quizzes and assessments throughout the course. These help learners evaluate their progress and identify areas for improvement. By actively participating in these assessments, learners can monitor their growth and track their development over time.

With LearnVern's spoken English course, learners can gain confidence in communicating effectively in English. They can learn perfect sentence formation in English online, improve their pronunciation skills, expand their vocabulary, and enhance their overall fluency.

To access this free English-speaking course online in India, visit LearnVern's website. Start your journey towards becoming a more confident English speaker today with LearnVern!

13. Tree Campus 

Tree Campus is an excellent platform that offers free English-speaking courses online. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive modules, Tree Campus provides learners with the necessary tools to improve their spoken English skills. Here are the key features of Tree Campus:

1. Interactive Audio and Video Lessons:

Tree Campus offers engaging audio and video lessons that focus on essential conversation skills and grammar concepts. These interactive lessons enable learners to practice listening, speaking, and pronunciation in a realistic context.

2. Quizzes and Speaking Exercises: 

To reinforce learning, Tree Campus includes quizzes and speaking exercises that allow learners to apply the concepts they have learned. These activities help build confidence in using English in real-life situations.

3. Progress Tracking: 

Learners can easily track their progress through the online platform. This feature allows them to monitor their improvement over time and identify areas for further practice.

4. Certificates of Completion: 

Upon successfully completing the course, learners receive certificates to showcase their achievement in improving their English speaking skills.

By taking advantage of the free English-speaking course on Tree Campus, you can enhance your communication abilities and boost your confidence in using English in both personal and professional settings.

14. Basic English Speaking 

If you're looking for a free English-speaking course that focuses on basic conversation skill, vocabulary, and sentence formation, Basic English Speaking is the perfect choice for you. This structured course is designed to help you communicate confidently in everyday situations.

Here's what you can expect from Basic English Speaking:

1. Lessons on Basic Grammar Rules: 

Understanding grammar is essential for effective communication. The course covers the basics of sentence structure, verb tenses, and common grammar rules.

2. Vocabulary Expansion:

Building your vocabulary is key to speaking fluently and expressing yourself. You'll learn new English words and phrases related to various topics such as introductions, shopping, ordering food, and more.

3. Practical Conversations: 

Basic English Speaking focuses on real-life situations. You'll practice conversations that are relevant to everyday scenarios like greetings, asking for directions, making appointments, and socializing.

4. Audio Recordings and Interactive Exercises: 

To improve your speaking skills, the course provides audio recordings of native speakers pronouncing words and sentences clearly. You can practice speaking along with the recordings and receive instant feedback.

5. Interactive Exercises:

The course includes interactive exercises that reinforce your understanding of grammar concepts and vocabulary. These exercises will help you enhance your comprehension skills as well.

By enrolling in Basic English Speaking's online free English-speaking course in India, you will gain confidence in using the language in your daily life.

15. Learn American English Online with Ease

American English is widely spoken and understanding it can greatly enhance your communication, opening doors to new opportunities. Learning American English online has never been easier, thanks to a variety of free resources available. Whether you need to improve your grammar, expand your vocabulary, or wants words to be perfectly spoken, these online courses will help you master American English with ease. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Comprehensive Curriculum:

Learn American English Online offers a comprehensive curriculum designed specifically for Indian learners. The courses cover grammar, useful vocabulary, idioms, and pronunciation specific to American English.

2. Grammar Mastery: 

Gain a solid foundation in American English grammar through interactive lessons and practice exercises. From verb tenses to sentence structure, you'll learn the rules and how to apply them accurately.

3. Vocabulary Expansion: 

Build your vocabulary by learning commonly used English words and phrases in American English. Discover idiomatic expressions that will help you sound more natural and confident in conversations.

4. Idiomatic Expressions: 

Understand and use idiomatic expressions that are commonly used in American English. These expressions add depth and nuance to your spoken language skills.

5. Pronunciation Practice: 

Perfect your pronunciation by listening to native speakers and practicing specific sounds that may be challenging for non-native speakers of American English.

Photo by: Justin Case on Unsplash

By taking advantage of these free online resources, you can improve your spoken American English skills at your own pace and convenience. Remember, practice is key! Take advantage of the interactive exercises provided by these courses to reinforce what you've learned.

To further enhance your learning experience and receive personalized coaching tailored to your specific needs, consider Clapingo's online platform ( With their expert guidance and support, you can accelerate your progress towards becoming a fluent speaker of English.

Final Remarks 

The importance of English speaking skills cannot be overstated. Whether for personal or professional development, being able to communicate effectively in English is a valuable asset. Fortunately, there are numerous online resources available that offer free English-speaking courses. These courses provide a convenient and cost-effective way to improve your English-speaking abilities from the comfort of your own home. By taking advantage of platforms like Clapingo and the top 15 free online courses mentioned in this article, you can enhance your vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and overall fluency. So why wait? Start your free English-speaking course journey today and unlock new opportunities for success. 

Unlock the power of language and technology by diving into the world of English movies and machine learning. Enhance your English-speaking skills while immersing yourself in cinematic masterpieces, and leverage the latest in machine learning to personalize your learning journey. Start today and open doors to new opportunities with improved communication and cutting-edge tech knowledge.

To continue your English learning journey with personalized coaching and guidance from expert tutors, visit Clapingo at


1. Which online English-speaking course is best suited for beginners?

If you're just starting your English language learning journey, Clapingo is an excellent choice. Clapingo offers a comprehensive and interactive course specifically designed for non-native English speakers. With its focus on vocabulary, grammar, speaking, and listening exercises, Clapingo will guide you step by step toward mastering the basics of English.

2. Are there any courses that offer live practice sessions with native speakers?

Yes! Clapingo is an excellent platform where you can hone your conversational skills by practicing live conversations with various speakers from across the country. With one-on-one online classes conducted by excellent communicators, Clapingo ensures that you speak like a pro in no time.

3. Which course focuses on enhancing overall communication skills?

Coursera's "Improve Your English Communication Skills Specialisation" is designed to enhance your overall communication skills in English. This specialized program includes modules dedicated to writing, speaking, and pronunciation. Whether it's improving your fluency or honing your writing style, this course has got you covered.

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