Have you ever noticed your English fluency declining, though you practice regularly? It can be frustrating to put in the effort and not see improvement. But you're not alone. Many Indian learners face the same struggle of trying to improve their spoken English skills, only to find that it's getting worse with more practice.

But fret not! This is quite common and can be overcome with suitable strategies. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind the decline in your English speaking capability as well as provide practical tips to help you regain your fluency.

By understanding why your English speaking capability is worsening despite regular practice, you can take targeted steps toward improvement. So, let's dive in and discover how to conquer this hurdle!

Why Am I Suddenly Struggling To Speak In English?

Overthinking and fear of making mistakes are two of the top reasons why one often starts to struggle with their speaking skills.

How Overthinking Can Hinder Fluency and Tips to Avoid It:

  • Overthinking is a common barrier to fluency. Focusing too much on grammar rules or trying to speak perfectly can hinder your ability to speak naturally and confidently. Don't get caught up in overanalyzing every word or phrase.

  • One way to overcome overthinking is through practice. The more you practice speaking English without worrying about making mistakes, the more fluent you will become. Embrace a growth mindset and view mistakes as opportunities for learning and improvement.

  • Another tip is to immerse yourself in English as much as possible. Surround yourself with English-speaking environments, such as watching English movies or TV shows, listening to podcasts or music in English, and reading books or articles in English. This will help you internalize the language and develop a natural flow of speech.

Fear of Making Mistakes:

  • The fear of making mistakes can negatively impact your speaking skills. It can make you hesitant and self-conscious, leading to decreased fluency.

  • Remember that making mistakes is a normal part of the learning process. Everyone makes them! Instead of focusing on perfection, focus on effective communication. The more you practice speaking without fear of mistakes, the more confident and fluent you will become.

  • Surround yourself with supportive people who understand your journey as an English learner. Join English conversation groups or find language exchange partners also learning English. Sharing your experiences and practising together can help alleviate the fear of making mistakes.

Here is a helpful YouTube video that provides strategies for overcoming the fear of speaking English: I am afraid to speak English - ACTION PLAN from linguamarina.

This video discusses practical tips and techniques to boost your confidence and beat the fear that hinders your progress in English. It offers actionable steps that you can implement in your daily practice to become a more fluent speaker.

How Does Mother Tongue Influence Impact My English?

It can be frustrating and confusing when your English skills don't seem to improve or even start declining. There could be several reasons why you are experiencing this setback, one of which is the influence of your mother tongue on your English fluency.

Mother tongue interference occurs when the patterns and sounds of your native language affect your ability to speak another language. In the case of Indian learners, who often have diverse native languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, or Marathi, the impact can be significant.

To give you a better understanding of how mother tongue interference works, let's compare some typical patterns in Indian languages and their influence on English:

  1. Pronunciation: Each language has its own unique sounds and pronunciation rules. For example, many Indian languages have retroflex consonants that aren't present in English. This can lead to difficulties in pronouncing certain words correctly.

  2. Sentence Structure: Indian languages often follow a subject-object-verb (SOV) sentence structure, whereas English generally follows a subject-verb-object (SVO) structure. This difference can result in incorrect sentence formation and grammar errors.

  3. Verb Tenses: The concept of verb tenses may vary between Indian languages and English. For instance, some Indian languages have fewer tenses compared to the twelve verb tenses used in English. This disparity can make it challenging to express past or future actions accurately.

Now that we've explored how mother tongue interference can impact your spoken English skills let's look at some practical examples:

  • Pronunciation Example: In Hindi, the sound 'v' is often substituted with 'w', leading to words like 'very' being pronounced as 'wery' in English.

  • Sentence Structure Example: Tamil speakers might say, "I am going to the market today," as "Today I am going to the market," following the SOV structure of their mother tongue.

  • Verb Tenses Example: Bengali speakers might struggle with correctly using the present perfect continuous tense, as it doesn't exist in their native language.

While it's essential to improve your pronunciation and language skills, embracing your unique accent is equally important. Your accent is a part of your identity and culture. Instead of trying to eliminate it completely, focus on clear communication and effective pronunciation. Embracing your accent also helps you build confidence in expressing yourself in English.

Understanding the influence of your native language on English fluency is the first step towards overcoming this challenge. By identifying specific areas where interference occurs and working on them diligently, you can gradually improve your spoken English skills while retaining your unique accent.

So, don't get disheartened! Keep practising and learning from experts who can guide you through this language journey and help you overcome obstacles. Did you happen to know? With Clapingo, you can learn spoken English through your mother tongue, like Tamil or Telugu.

Am I Practising The Right Way? Common Mistakes in English Practice

Practising English is crucial to fluency, but are you practising the right way? Here are some common mistakes to avoid during your practice sessions:

1. Quantity over Quality:

Many learners must focus on the quantity of practice rather than the quality. Spending hours repeating phrases or sentences won't improve your English skills. Instead, I want you to aim for focused and meaningful practice sessions.

2. Lack of Speaking Practice:

It's common for learners to spend most of their time reading or listening to English, neglecting their speaking skills. Remember, speaking is an essential part of language acquisition, so make sure to allocate enough time for speaking practice.

3. Not Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone:

You must challenge yourself to improve your English by practicing with different people in various situations. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; it's all part of the learning process.

4. Relying Too Much on Mother Tongue:

One of the biggest challenges for learners is relying too heavily on their mother tongue while practising English. Instead, try to immerse yourself fully in the language by thinking and speaking in English as much as possible.

Now that you're aware of these common mistakes let's discuss how you can practice effectively:

  • Record Yourself: Recording your voice while practising can help identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.

  • Join Language Exchange Programs or Conversation Clubs: Participating in language exchange programs or conversation clubs can provide you with opportunities to practice with native speakers and fellow learners. Check out Clapingo's Practice Club to get started.

Remember, the key to effective practice is consistency and dedication. By avoiding common mistakes and following these guidelines, you'll be on your way to improving your English skills quickly.

The Role of Listening Skills in English Fluency

Effective listening and fluent speaking go hand in hand. When you listen attentively to native English speakers or high-quality audio content, you expose yourself to different accents, vocabulary, sentence structures, and intonation patterns. This exposure helps you internalize the language and develop a better understanding of how words and phrases are pronounced and used in context.

To enhance your listening skills, here are some practical ways to immerse yourself in the English language:

1. Podcasts:

Listen to podcasts on a variety of topics that interest you. Choose ones hosted by native speakers or professionals who speak clear and articulate English. This will expose you to different accents and help you improve your comprehension skills.

2. Movies:

Watch movies or TV shows in English with subtitles. Pay close attention to the actors' pronunciation, intonation, and word usage. You can also challenge yourself by gradually reducing reliance on subtitles as your listening skills improve.

3. Music:

Listen to songs in English and follow along with the lyrics. Focus on understanding the meaning behind the lyrics and try singing along to improve your pronunciation and intonation.

4. Audiobooks:

Choose audiobooks narrated by native English speakers. This will help you practice listening skills while enjoying a good story.

Making these activities a regular language learning routine can significantly improve your listening skills. Additionally, practising active listening techniques such as note-taking, summarizing what you've heard, or engaging in conversations based on what you've listened to can further enhance your comprehension abilities.

If you'd like more detailed information on improving your listening skills, check out Clapingo's blog post, "Boost Your English Listening Skills." It provides valuable tips and resources to help you become a more confident listener.

How Can I Overcome My Weak English? Practical Steps to Improvement

Many language learners face similar challenges while mastering a new language. The good news is that there are practical steps you can take to overcome your weak English and see significant improvement. Let's explore some of these steps:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Start by setting clear, achievable goals for yourself. Whether improving your speaking skills, expanding your vocabulary, or mastering grammar rules, having specific targets will help guide your learning journey.

  2. Immerse Yourself in English: Surround yourself with the English language as much as possible. Watch movies and TV shows in English, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, and read books or articles in English. This will help you familiarize yourself with the language's sounds, rhythms, and vocabulary.

  3. Practice Speaking Regularly: Practice speaking English every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Find a conversation partner or join an online language exchange group to practice speaking with native English speakers. This will boost your confidence and fluency.

  4. Focus on Pronunciation: Pay attention to pronunciation and work on improving it. Listen carefully to how native speakers pronounce words and practice imitating them. Use online resources or language learning apps that offer exercises specifically designed to improve pronunciation.

  5. Expand Your Vocabulary: Learn new words daily and try using them in sentences or conversations whenever possible. Use flashcards, word games, or vocabulary-building apps to make this process more interactive and fun.

  6. Improve Sentence Formation: Learn perfect sentence formation in English online through grammar exercises and practice writing different types of sentences, such as declarative, interrogative, imperative, etc.

  7. Seek Personalised Coaching: Consider one-on-one personalised coaching sessions with native English speakers. These sessions can provide individual attention, targeted feedback, and guidance tailored to your specific needs. Clapingo offers such coaching sessions that can significantly enhance your language skills.

By incorporating these practical steps into your daily routine, you will gradually improve your English and see improvement. Just to remind you, consistency is key. You can also check out various videos and articles to help with this.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations on taking the first step towards improving your English speaking skills! In this article, we've discussed why your English-speaking capability may get worse with more practice. Now, let's summarize the main insights we've explored:

  • The article discussed the common issue faced by Indian learners who find their spoken English skills declining despite regular practice.

  • We identified overthinking and fear of making mistakes as significant obstacles, emphasizing the importance of embracing a growth mindset and creating an English-immersive environment.

  • The impact of mother tongue interference was explored, highlighting pronunciation, sentence structure, and verb tenses as areas affected.

  • We also discussed common mistakes in English practice, such as focusing on quantity over quality, neglecting speaking practice, and relying too much on the mother tongue.

  • Practical tips to enhance listening skills, immersion in English, regular speaking practice, pronunciation focus, vocabulary expansion, and personalized coaching are effective strategies to overcome weak English.

To continue your language learning journey and overcome these obstacles, join Clapingo's community of learners. Clapingo offers a unique approach focusing on personalization and context-based learning to help you consistently improve your English speaking skills.

By joining Clapingo, you can access tailored lessons catering to your needs and interests. You'll also benefit from interactive exercises, real-life simulations, vocabulary tips, and opportunities for conversation practice with certified instructors.

Remember, fluency takes time and effort, but with the proper guidance and practice, you can conquer any obstacles and achieve your language learning goals. Keep practising, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of becoming a confident English speaker!


1. Why am I struggling to speak English fluently?

Becoming fluent in any language takes time and effort. If you struggle with fluency, it may be because you need more exposure to authentic English conversations or have yet to practice speaking regularly. Fluency comes with consistent practice, actively listening to native speakers, and conversing with others.

2. Why is my English getting worse?

If your English skills deteriorate despite regular practice, it could be due to ineffective study habits or a lack of targeted training. It's essential to assess your learning methods and ensure they align with your goals.

Additionally, seeking guidance from an experienced teacher or enrolling in a language course can help you identify areas of improvement and provide tailored strategies.

3. Why are my English skills not improving?

Improving language skills requires a well-rounded approach encompassing various aspects such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. If your skills aren't improving, evaluate how you allocate your study time and whether you're focusing on all these areas equally. Consider diversifying your learning resources and incorporating different activities into your routine.