Speak like Shashi Tharoor

Have you ever been in awe of Mr. Tharoor's English? His eloquence, vocabulary, and command over the language are truly captivating. Many Indians aspire to speak English like him, as it can open doors of opportunity and enhance professional growth. If you find yourself wondering, "How can I speak quality English?" then you're not alone.

Shashi Tharoor's English speaking skills have become a benchmark for many Indians. His ability to articulate complex ideas with ease and finesse is truly remarkable. Whether it's his speeches or his writings, he effortlessly captivates his audience with his command over the language. It's no wonder that aspiring English learners look up to him as a role model.

In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable insights into how you can improve your spoken English skills and speak like Shashi Tharoor. We will discuss practical tips to enhance your vocabulary, provide strategies to overcome pronunciation hurdles, offer guidance on improving sentence formation, and share resources for continuous learning. By the end of this article, you will have a clear roadmap on how to progress towards speaking English confidently and fluently.

So buckle up and get ready to embark upon an exciting journey towards speaking English like Shashi Tharoor!

What Makes Shashi Tharoor's English Unique?

Shashi Tharoor, an esteemed Indian politician, author, and former international civil servant, has captivated audiences worldwide with his exceptional command of the English language. His eloquence and fluency in English have made him a prominent figure in Indian politics and a sought-after speaker at various international forums.

Let's delve into what makes Shashi Tharoor's English unique and how you can acquire similar skills to enhance your communication abilities.

1. Vocabulary Mastery:

Tharoor's extensive vocabulary is one of the defining features of his English. He effortlessly incorporates sophisticated words into his speeches, interviews, and writings, showcasing his deep understanding of the language. To speak like Shashi Tharoor, enrich your vocabulary by reading widely, exploring diverse genres, and learning new words every day. Websites such as Clapingo can help you develop your vocabulary through tailored exercises and interactive lessons.

2. Pronunciation Prowess:

Tharoor's impeccable pronunciation sets him apart as an exceptional communicator. He pays great attention to enunciating each word clearly and accurately. To improve your pronunciation skills, listen to native speakers, imitate their pronunciation patterns, and practice speaking aloud regularly. Online platforms like Clapingo offer courses specifically designed to help learners improve their pronunciation and accent.

3. Fluent Sentence Formation:

Tharoor effortlessly weaves together sentences that are both grammatically sound and aesthetically pleasing to the ear. His ability to construct articulate sentences gives him an air of sophistication in his speaking style. Developing this skill requires practising sentence formation regularly by constructing grammatically correct sentences and engaging in conversations in English with native speakers or advanced learners.

Tharoor's speeches are powerful due to his effective use of rhetorical devices such as alliteration, metaphors, and analogies as well.

Here is a quick look at how Tharoor's English stands apart.


Shashi Tharoor's Approach


Incorporates sophisticated words with ease


Impeccable enunciation

Sentence Formation

Articulate and grammatically sound sentences

To truly grasp the nuances of Tharoor's English, it is essential to witness him in action. Here are a few video snippets showcasing Tharoor's eloquence:

  1. Shashi Tharoor's powerful speech on "Ambedkar: the quest for equality in India"

  2. Shashi Tharoor's Ted Talk on "A well-educated mind vs a well-formed mind"

By emulating Shashi Tharoor's approach to vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence formation, you can enhance your own English speaking skills.

Breaking Down Tharoor's Vocabulary

If you've ever marvelled at Shashi Tharoor's mesmerizing command over the English language and wondered how you too can speak English like him, then this section is for you. We'll break down some popular "Tharoorian" words, help you understand their meanings and pronunciation, provide example sentences to grasp their usage, and share tips for incorporating complex vocabulary into your daily conversations while maintaining comprehension. Let's dive into the world of Tharoor's vocabulary!

Here are 5 Tharoorian words that will enhance your vocabulary:

  1. Floccinaucinihilipilification (fluhk-si-noh-si-nahy-hil-i-pil-i-fi-kay-shun) - The act of considering something as worthless.

  2. Serendipity (ser-uhn-dip-i-tee) - Finding something valuable by chance.

  3. Lethologica (le-thuh-loj-i-kuh) - The inability to remember a word or a name.

  4. Sesquipedalian (ses-kwi-pi-deylee-uhn) - Using long words or having a tendency to do so.

  5. Panglossian (pan-glos-ee-uhn) - Excessively optimistic.

To comprehend the usage of these words, let's explore some example sentences:

  1. The floccinaucinihilipilification of his achievements only revealed their ignorance.

  2. It was through serendipity that I discovered my passion for painting.

  3. My lethologica kicked in when I couldn't recall the actor's name from my favourite movie.

  4. Tharoor's sesquipedalian speeches leave everyone in awe and admiration.

  5. Despite facing setbacks, he remained panglossian about his chances of success.

Activity suggestion

To enhance your vocabulary, start a daily word journal. Here's how to get started:

  • Set aside a few minutes each day to explore new words.

  • Find a word that intrigues you from books, articles, or even conversations.

  • Write down the word, its meaning, and an example sentence in your journal.

  • Review your word journal regularly to reinforce your learning.

By checking out more of Tharoor's vocabulary, understanding its usage, and incorporating complex words into your daily life, you can improve your English speaking skills and captivate others with your eloquence.

The Art of Pronunciation and Sentence Formation

To speak English like Shashi Tharoor, it is important to focus on two key aspects: pronunciation and sentence formation. Mastering these skills will help you sound more like a native speaker and effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas. So, let's dive into the art of pronunciation and sentence formation!

Importance of correct pronunciation in sounding like a native speaker:

Correct pronunciation plays a vital role in sounding like a native English speaker. It helps you convey your message clearly and ensures that others understand you effortlessly. Moreover, it enhances your confidence while speaking English.

How Can I Speak English Fast Like A Native Speaker?

To improve your pronunciation, pay attention to the correct phonetics of English sounds. Here are some guidelines with examples:

  1. Vowels: Practice pronouncing words with long and short vowel sounds, such as "meet" (/iː/) and "sit" (/ɪ/).

  2. Consonants: Focus on consonant clusters, like "strength" (/strɛŋθ/) or "twelfth" (/twɛlfθ/).

  3. Stress patterns: Understand word stress and intonation to bring fluency to your speech. For instance, in the word "photograph," stress falls on the second syllable: "phoTOgraph."

Sentence structure for effective communication:

Apart from pronunciation, sentence formation is crucial for effective communication. It helps you convey your thoughts clearly and ensures that your message is easily understood by others.

Demonstration of common sentence formation errors and corrections:

Here are some common errors in sentence formation:

  1. Run-on sentences: These are sentences that combine multiple independent clauses without proper punctuation or conjunctions. For example: "I went to the store I bought some groceries."

  2. Sentence fragments: These are incomplete sentences that lack a subject or verb or fail to express a complete thought. For example: "Running through the park."

  3. Subject-verb agreement: Make sure that the subject and verb agree in number and tense. For instance, "He runs" (singular) versus "They run" (plural).

Mastering the art of pronunciation and sentence formation is key to speaking English like Shashi Tharoor. Focus on correct phonetics, practice sentence structure, and engage in interactive exercises to improve these skills.

Mastering Fluency and Confidence

To speak English like Shashi Tharoor, it is essential to focus on two key aspects: fluency and confidence. Developing these skills will not only enhance your communication abilities but also help you express yourself effectively in English. Let's explore some techniques and approaches that can assist you in mastering fluency and confidence.

Techniques for building fluency:

  • Incorporate commonly used phrases into your daily conversations. This will help you become more comfortable with expressing yourself naturally and fluently.

  • Practice using phrases such as "How are you?", "What do you think?", or "Let's discuss" to improve your fluency.

  • Relatable Scenarios: Imagine yourself in different situations where English is the primary language of communication. Whether it's a job interview, social gathering, or presentation, envision yourself confidently communicating your thoughts in English.

  • Personalised Examples: Reflect on past experiences where lack of confidence hindered your ability to speak English effectively. Identify areas where you want to improve and work on overcoming those specific challenges.

  • Find an English-speaking friend or language partner who can provide feedback on your speaking skills.

  • Engage in regular conversations with them, focusing on improving pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

Steps to gradually increase fluency and confidence over time:

1. Set realistic goals: Start by setting attainable goals for yourself, such as speaking confidently about a particular topic for a set duration each day.

2. Expand vocabulary: Learn new words regularly through reading books, articles, or watching movies/TV shows in English.

3. Listen actively: Pay attention to native English speakers and try to mimic their pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.

4. Speak aloud: Practice speaking out loud in English, even if you are alone. This will help improve your fluency and confidence.

5. Seek feedback: Ask for constructive criticism from your language partner or teacher to identify areas that need improvement.

6. Embrace mistakes: Don't be afraid of making errors. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, and they help you grow.

7. Be consistent: Dedicate regular time to practice speaking English. Consistency is key to building fluency and confidence over time.

By implementing these techniques and approaches, you can gradually develop the fluency and confidence needed to speak English like Shashi Tharoor. Remember, it's a journey that requires patience and practice.

Diminishing the Indianism from Your English

Indian languages have had a significant impact on spoken English in the country. The diversity of regional languages has contributed various words and phrases that have become an integral part of Indian-English vocabulary. For instance, Hindi words like "chai" (tea), "natak" (drama), or Tamil words like "appa" (father) have seamlessly integrated with spoken English in India.

Non-native speakers in India face several challenges when it comes to mastering spoken English. Common issues include pronunciation difficulties, limited vocabulary, lack of confidence while speaking, and incorrect sentence structure. These challenges can hinder effective communication and prevent individuals from expressing themselves fluently in English.

Sometimes their English sounds a bit different from native speakers. Many Indian learners face this challenge due to Indianisms in their language. But fear not, we're here to help you bridge that gap and speak English like a pro!

To start, let's compare British/American English with Indian English. By understanding the differences, we can identify the Indianisms in our language and work towards diminishing them.

Here are some examples of Indianisms:

Words and Phrases

British/American English

Indian English

Out of Station

I will be out of town/city/country next week.

I will be out of station next week.

Pass Out

He graduated from college last year.

He passed out from college last year.

Mugging Up

I need to memorize these formulas for the exam.

I need to mug up these formulas for the exam.


Let's watch a movie for entertainment.

Let's watch a movie for timepass.

If you find yourself wondering, "Why my English is not improving?" then it's time to address these common Indianisms that might be holding you back. By observing, understanding, and rectifying these language quirks, you'll be well on your way to speaking quality English.

Here are some tips to help you diminish Indianisms from your English:

  1. Focus on pronunciation: Pay attention to how native speakers pronounce words and practice emulating their accent and intonation patterns.

  2. Expand your vocabulary: Read extensively in English, explore different genres, and learn new words every day. Use flashcards or digital apps like Clapingo's vocabulary builder to enhance your word power.

  3. Master sentence structure: Learn perfect sentence formation in English online by studying sentence patterns and practising with exercises.

  4. Avoid literal translations: Instead of translating directly from your native language, think in English and try to express your thoughts using English idioms and phrases.

  5. Watch English movies and TV shows: Immerse yourself in the language by watching movies and TV shows in English without subtitles. This will help you improve your listening skills and familiarize yourself with natural conversation flow.

  6. Join an English-speaking group or club: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are also striving to improve their English skills. Participate in discussions and debates, or even join Clapingo's Practice Club to enhance your speaking abilities.

  7. Record yourself speaking: Use your smartphone or a recording device to record yourself speaking in English. This will allow you to listen back and identify areas where you need improvement.

Remember, diminishing Indianisms from your English is a gradual process that requires consistent effort and practice. With determination and the right resources you will be well on your way to speaking English like Shashi Tharoor!"

Continuing Your Language Journey with Clapingo

Are you ready to take your English language skills to the next level? Look no further than Clapingo, the leading online English learning platform that is here to support you in your language journey. With a range of offerings tailored specifically for Indian learners, Clapingo provides one-on-one coaching sessions with native tutors who are experts in English language instruction.

Whether you want to improve your English for everyday conversation or are preparing for competitive exams like IELTS, Clapingo is here for you. Here are some key features that make Clapingo stand out:

  1. Personalized Coaching: At Clapingo, our expert tutors provide personalized coaching tailored to your unique goals. Whether you're working on speaking, writing, or public speaking, our tutors guide you every step of the way.

  2. Focus on Pronunciation: Pronunciation is vital for effective communication. With Clapingo, you'll get dedicated attention to develop clear and accurate pronunciation skills, working on intonation, stress patterns, and phonetic sounds to sound more like a native speaker.

  3. Cultural Insights: Beyond grammar and vocabulary, Clapingo offers insights into English-speaking culture, helping you understand idiomatic expressions, social norms, and everyday conversation topics.

  4. Flexible Learning Options: Clapingo understands time constraints, offering flexible learning options with different session lengths and timings to fit your busy schedule.

Ready to embark on an exciting language journey with Clapingo? Visit our website at www.clapingo.com to explore our offerings and sign up for a free trial.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key insights from this blog post:

  1. Speak with Eloquence: Shashi Tharoor is known for his eloquent speaking style. To emulate him, focus on improving your vocabulary and sentence structure. Learn perfect sentence formation in English online to express yourself effectively.

  2. Expand Your Vocabulary: Tharoor's extensive vocabulary sets him apart. Make it a habit to learn new words every day. You can use vocabulary-building apps or websites like Clapingo to enhance your lexicon.

  3. Embrace Complexity: Tharoor's speeches often contain intricate ideas and nuanced arguments. Challenge yourself by exploring complex topics and expressing your thoughts in a clear and intelligible manner.

  4. Develop Articulation Skills: Pay attention to your pronunciation, enunciation, and intonation. Practice speaking slowly and clearly, emphasizing the correct syllables and stressing the right words.

All in all, mastering spoken English like Shashi Tharoor requires persistence and dedication. Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, and fluency will come with time and practice.

Remember, at Clapingo, we are committed to helping Indian learners develop their English speaking and writing skills for professional and personal development. Join our community and let's embark on this language learning journey together!


1. How can I speak English fast like a native speaker?

To speak English fluently and quickly like a native speaker, it is important to immerse yourself in the language. Practice listening to native speakers through movies, TV shows, and podcasts. Pay attention to their pronunciation, intonation, and word usage. Additionally, engage in conversations with fluent English speakers and practice speaking regularly.

2. How can I speak quality English?

Improving the quality of your spoken English involves several aspects. Firstly, focus on expanding your vocabulary by reading books, newspapers, and online articles. Secondly, work on your grammar by studying grammar rules and practising sentence formations. Lastly, pay attention to your pronunciation by listening to audio recordings or using pronunciation apps.

3. How to speak English in 30 days?

While it may not be possible to become fluent in English within 30 days, you can make significant progress by following certain strategies. Devote time every day for practice and set specific goals for each day or week. Use language learning resources such as textbooks or online courses that provide structured lessons. Additionally, surround yourself with the language by watching movies or videos in English.

4. Why my English is not improving?

There could be various reasons why your English skills are not improving as expected. Lack of consistent practice and exposure to the language might be one reason. It is essential to dedicate regular time for learning and practicing spoken English. Another reason could be a lack of appropriate resources or guidance tailored for your needs. Consider seeking support from a qualified tutor or enrolling in an online language course.