Spoken English Guru Vs. Clapingo: A Detailed Comparison

An image of a learner who wants to learn english

As of January 2022, leading mobile apps for language acquisition and practice generated more than 24.65 million app downloads from users worldwide. English language learning platforms play a crucial role in helping individuals improve their spoken English skills. In this blog, we will compare two popular spoken English coaching platforms in India: Clapingo and Spoken English Guru. We will compare the two platforms on essential metrics, such as instructor qualifications, learning material quality, and pricing and plans.

Clapingo is a comprehensive spoken English coaching platform that offers dedicated 1:1 coaching sessions by experienced instructors. Learners practice their lessons under supervision and receive individual guidance. Additionally, Clapingo offers courses in the learner's native language to ensure a comfortable learning environment.

Spoken English Guru provides pre-recorded video lessons, and tutorials. It also provides learning materials including books, practice sheets, and vocabulary notes. It takes the more traditional approach to language instruction. This can help in learning the basics and theory. However, there is no opportunity for students to practice under supervision. This is a limitation when it comes to gaining confidence and fluency in spoken English.

Pricing and Plans

Clapingo has a more varied portfolio for courses and 1-1 classes. Additionally, Clapingo has programs targeted towards IELTS and children. There are several customization options, as you may choose the length of sessions, the number of sessions in a week, and the duration of the plan. Spoken English Guru on the other hand provides a standard 6-month plan. It also hosts learning materials on its website that can be purchased separately.


  • Clapingo Kids:

    • Starter Pack: ₹400 for 10 sessions

    • Proficient Pack: ₹300 per session for 60 sessions

    • Novice Pack: ₹350 per session for 30 sessions

  • 1-1 Plans to Increase Your Fluency:

    • English Plan:

      • Plan Duration: 1, 3, 6, and 12 months

      • Minutes per session: 15/25 min

      • Number of sessions per week: 1, 3, 5 and 7

      • Pricing (for 3 sessions a week, 15 minutes per session)

        • 1-month plan (12 sessions, ₹3299)

        • 3-month plan (36 sessions, ₹2474 per month (25% saved))

        • 6-month plan (72 sessions, ₹2144 per month (35% saved))

        • 12-month plan (144 sessions, ₹1979 per month (40% saved))

  • IELTS 3 Months Plan: ₹5400 per month

    • 3 days per week

    • 36 sessions for 3 months

    • One-on-one sessions

Clapingo also offers the flexibility to pay via EMI for their plans.

Teaching Methodology

Clapingo offers video lessons and tutorials covering various aspects of English communication, such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. Learners can also purchase books and other materials from the website. Spoken English Guru also provides tips and strategies to build confidence and overcome common challenges in English conversation.

Clapingo on the other hand provides 1:1 sessions with a dedicated instructor. Spoken English fluency can only be cemented by extensive practice under supervision in a judgment-free space. Videos, learning material, and practice exercises can help with be basics. However, as a learner, you require an experienced coach to correct your mistakes in pronunciation and word choice. As non-native speakers, we often lack the cultural context to use words and sentences correctly in different situations. Experienced coaches can help overcome such weaknesses.

Additionally, Clapingo understands the importance of learning comfort, especially for new learners. It offers courses in the learner's native language as the medium of instruction.

Learning Resources

Clapingo and Spoken English Guru provide a suite of materials to aid learners. These are listed below.

Spoken English Guru

Conversation Videos

One-on-One Video Sessions

Speaking Practice Videos

Clapingo Video Library

Daily Use Sentences

Session documents with a list of topics and vocabulary


Recorder videos

English Charts

Practice exercises

Story Listening Modules

Written feedback after every session

Vocabulary Exercises

Topic-based practice sessions

Conversation Exercises

Instructor Qualifications

Clapingo ensures its coaches and instructors are highly qualified and experienced in mentoring students to overcome their unique language challenges. The platform screens its coaches with a rigorous interview where a potential instructor's language skills are evaluated alongside their personality and teaching expertise. Spoken English coaching requires empathy and close attention to the unique needs of each learner. Clapingo ensures these values are reinforced with a carefully curated training program.

On the other hand, Spoken English Guru follows a more traditional teaching approach, with pre-recorded lessons and static learning material. The emphasis in Spoken English Guru's teaching methodology is more on non-interactive group instruction rather than one-on-one guidance. While this approach can be good for learning grammar and theory, it does not provide an environment where students can practice under supervision to gain confidence. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms depends on the learner's preference for a more traditional learning platform or the benefits of tailored guidance and support provided by Clapingo.

Personalized Learning

In Clapingo's personalized spoken English coaching, learners benefit from individualized attention and a tailored approach to address their specific needs. Such an approach helps learners overcome their unique challenges and allows for faster progress in speaking skills. However, it may come at a higher cost and rely on technology and a stable internet connection. Clapingo provides flexible plans and EMI options to offset such hurdles.

On the other hand, traditional spoken English teaching offered by Spoken English Guru represents a lower-cost option. However, individual attention may be limited, and the pace and content may not cater to each learner's specific needs. Progress in speaking skills may also be slower compared to personalized coaching.

Overall, individual spoken English coaching, as provided by Clapingo, offers significant advantages in terms of tailored guidance and support. Learners can practice English speech in front of their coaches without fear of judgment.

To summarize, here are some pros and cons of personalized learning:


1. Individualized attention and guidance

1. Higher cost compared to group classroom teaching

2. Tailored approach to address specific needs

2. Reliance on technology and a stable internet connection

3. Flexibility in scheduling sessions

3. Less opportunity for peer learning and collaboration

4. Focus on overcoming individual challenges

5. Faster progress in speaking skills

6. Individualized progress tracking and feedback

7 Supervised speaking practice in a judgment-free space

Flexibility and Convenience

Clapingo's training program offers unmatched flexibility and convenience to learners. You have options in session duration, number of sessions per week, and length of the overall plan. This provides learners with complete control of their journey. Furthermore, there are plans specifically for children and IELTS learners.

In comparison, Spoken English Guru's traditional 6-month program may not offer the same level of flexibility and convenience. With set schedules and pre-recorded videos and material, learners are limited in their options.

Platform and App Support

Clapingo stands out with its exceptional user experience, offering a platform that is incredibly easy to use and navigate. The user-friendly interface of Clapingo's platform ensures that learners can effortlessly access the various features and resources available. With a clear and intuitive layout, learners can quickly find what they need, making their language learning journey convenient and enjoyable.

The ease of navigation on Clapingo is a remarkable aspect of the platform. Its well-organized menu options and intuitive design allow learners to explore course materials easily. Whether it's scheduling lessons, tracking progress, or accessing learning materials, Clapingo's platform ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience.

While Spoken English Guru's English Muni app also offers user-friendly features, Clapingo excels in providing a superior user experience. The menus on the English Muni app are somewhat hard to navigate and the UI does not appear to be the most appealing.

Additional Features

Clapingo takes language learning to the next level by offering lessons in learners' native languages, including languages like Malayalam. Learners can choose to receive instruction in a language they are comfortable with, enhancing their understanding and retention of English. Clapingo recognizes the importance of providing a learning experience that aligns with learners' cultural backgrounds and linguistic preferences.

In contrast, Spoken English Guru's lessons do not offer instruction in native languages. While they may provide English language instruction, the absence of native language support can create a barrier for learners who may struggle to fully grasp the nuances and complexities of the English language.

Clapingo goes the extra mile to cater to learners of all age groups, including children, through their specialized course offering called Clapingo Kids. The coaches at Clapingo are trained to engage children effectively, using age-appropriate teaching methods and materials that make the learning process enjoyable. Spoken English Guru does not have a dedicated program aimed at children.

Return and Refund Policy

When it comes to refund policies, Clapingo outshines Spoken English Guru with its customer-centric approach. Clapingo offers a trial class to see how the classes work. This way you can see whether it is the right fit for you. On the other hand, Spoken English Guru has a more limited 7-day return policy, applicable only to the books they sell, not their courses. Customers seeking a refund from Spoken English Guru must go through a process of clicking a picture of the damaged package while keeping the shrink wrap intact. The refund is processed only after the damaged product is received. Clapingo offers greater flexibility and convenience.

Personalized Training: Clapingo's Trump Card

In conclusion, Clapingo stands out as a leading spoken English coaching platform, offering several advantages for learners. Their personalized learning approach ensures that each learner receives individual attention and guidance to overcome their unique challenges.

Clapingo's inclusion of coaching in native languages, such as Malayalam, creates a comfortable and supportive learning environment for non-native English speakers. With diverse courses, including Clapingo Kids for children, they cater to learners of all ages and proficiency levels.

Moreover, Clapingo's dedication to user satisfaction is further reinforced by their user-friendly interface and easy navigation. The customizable plan options add to the convenience for learners.

We invite you to book a demo today to experience the benefits of Clapingo's personalized coaching and unlock your full potential in spoken English. Discover firsthand how their experienced tutors and innovative learning platform can transform your language skills. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your spoken English proficiency - book your demo with Clapingo now!

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