Well, like it or not, English has become the corporate language of the 21st century.

 Especially in developing Asian countries, companies are actively seeking collaborations with foreign investors. Most of whom, you guessed it, are English Speakers.

Things your Boss wishes you knew about Spoken English

So if you are someone who is stepping into the corporate world soon or is already a part of it, this blog is for you!

We all have our favourite ‘Boss Stories’ that we tell our friends every weekend. However, there are some things your Boss is not telling you about Spoken English but they wish you knew:

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1. It is no longer an added skill but a necessary one for professional success.

English is no longer just a bonus on your resume. It is an expected skill that your employer assumes you have to qualify for the job.

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English is no longer just a bonus on your resume

2. They wish you could speak fluently at least for the first 10 minutes of any conversation.

Some employers love their old employees and value their experience but they do wish you could hold a conversation with anyone for at least the first couple of minutes.

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conversation with anyone for at least the first couple of minutes.

3. They could entrust you with more responsibilities and opportunities.

Sometimes your technical know-how might be excellent but you are unable to communicate it effectively. Your Boss wishes they could assign the next project to you but that is difficult when you need help with simple things like presentations to clients or negotiations with partners.

with more responsibilities and opportunities.

4.It makes you look more professional in the workplace.

our native languages can create an informal almost cliquey work atmosphere. English is a language that can be seamlessly formal. It helps you effectively communicate with employees from all departments.

more professional in the workplace.

5. Business English is not the same as Spoken English.

Knowing how to talk about last night’s match, will not help you in your next big presentation! Just because you know how to casually communicate with your colleagues, doesn’t mean you are ready to present in the monthly meeting.

Business English is not the same as Spoken English.

6. Both are equally important in a professional environment.

However, both the above skills are useful when it comes to networking and growing in the workplace. As long as you understand when either style is to be used.

Business English and spoken English both are important for workplace

7. It is better to make mistakes than to not try at all.

Your employer would probably like to see you give it a shot instead of giving up even before trying. They may even overlook your mistakes if they see you trying your best.

Better to make mistakes

8. Confidence is key when it comes to Spoken English.

Just knowing the language in your head and never practising it, does not make a fluent speaker. A large part of Spoken English is the confidence of actually using the language while speaking at work. This is mainly for those who write fantastic emails in English but never actually speak it!

Confidence is the key

9. It is not the most important skill to excel but it sure does help your chances.

Your Boss is probably more concerned if you know how to do the taxes, maintain accounts or operate the machinery properly and less concerned about your Spoken English Skills. However, it does help your chances of being noticed in a large workforce when you are able to effortlessly do both.

you know how to do the taxes

10. Good Spoken English cannot compensate for lack of technical know-how.

If you cause a huge loss to the company because you did not know the technical aspects of your job, your Boss probably is not going to applaud you for communicating the loss in English. It is still important to know the fundamentals for your job and no amount of good English Speaking will make up for that.

Lack of technical know-how.

11. Speaking properly and clearly does not mean putting on an accent.

Many new speakers learn English with an accent. They abandon their native accent and adopt a new one which can sometimes sound unnatural. Your employer wants you to be clear and proper while speaking minus the odd sounding accent.

English with an accent

12. Taking meaningful pauses is preferred to ‘uh..aah.. hmm -ing’ all through the conversation.

Even the most experienced Boss can fumble sometimes. Nobody is perfect. Your Boss does not want to be perfect either. However, in a business set up, fumbling and struggling for words usually means low confidence or lack of preparedness. Taking short pauses to think while speaking is definitely the preference choice.

Taking meaningful pauses

13, Working on yourself will never be wasted.

Employee skills should also improve as the company grows. Even if your improved English skills do not bring you new opportunities immediately, they will be useful in the long run. Maybe while applying for a new job or in a new position. Working on yourself is never futile. It will always be helpful. If you are working in a small company now, learning English might seem like a waste. However, when the company grows, it will come handy.

Working on yourself

14. Correct grammar is not the only important aspect of Spoken English..

Communication skills are an important aspect of Spoken English. Just getting the grammar right, does not make you a good speaker. Being able to communicate effectively and confidently is an important aspect of Spoken English.

Correct Grammar

15. If you’re learning the language, make sure you speak naturally and it doesn’t sound rehearsed.

Many new learners tend to speak English in a boring flat tone. As if they have rehearsed each line. This usually bores the listener. Tone and Voice Modulation captivates your audience’s attention. So pay attention to it while speaking.

Make sure you speak naturally

So now that you know what your Boss thinks about Spoken English, what are you going to do to improve yourself? Start small. Every step counts!